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  • Master Of Science

    Hejsan, My thesis was done. My master’s study at KTH was over. Though it might not be official as I hadn’t received my degree yet but I received the results already. It was “passed”, of course. My thesis presentation went quite smooth. Everything went as planned. There was no such surprise moment, but my house…

  • May It Be

    Tjena, Back to around the end of 2016 when I was about to finish one of my last courses, there was a conversation that I had with my classmates and the professor. We discussed about the differences between doing projects in school and company (like working as an employee in a company). There was one…

  • Slow Spring

    Tjena, It was last Friday afternoon. There was a terror attack in Stockholm and I was at the office not far from that area. It happened around 15 minutes before 3 pm. The truck rammed into people on the walking street in the city centre. There were some fatalities and many injured people. I didn’t…

  • Winter Scene

    Tjena, I had been busy and working with my thesis for almost 2 months. It was neither so bad nor so fun. I just followed the process so it was ever ongoing. Sometimes it felt like there was no break and I had to work everyday, or I just couldn’t structure my schedule so I…

  • Rejuvenation

    Hejsan, Everything seemed to be pretty slow. I didn’t have much to do in the last few weeks yet I didn’t stay home doing nothing. I still went to gym as usual and made my lunchboxes every week. I was just longing for my thesis to start and it did start last week, officially. I…

  • Cold Transition

    Happy new year, It started with Guillaume leaving Sweden with his mom (Corine) on last Wednesday morning (His brother-Jean-Charles left on Tuesday morning) because he finished his master’s study already. It was his time to go back home in France. No need to ask how sad I was. This winter treated me really harshly. I…

  • Bitter Snow

    Hello, This is the drawing I drew last week. It is from the heavily snowy day in November (see the original photo in my previous blog). Last time I drew a picture like this was about 10 years ago. I still remembered some basics. Maybe I should draw more. Let’s see. So far my December…

  • Dark Hours

    Hi there, My fourth Swedish winter was here and it was pretty tough. The days without sunlight made a big impact on me. I couldn’t stand the depression but still had to live. The dark days seemed to push me to the negative side and it was so unpleasant. I can only beware of my…

  • The Fall

    Hello there, There was a huge event in Thailand this month. It was the death of my king-King Bhumibol Adulyadej. His majesty passed away at the age of 88 on Thursday 13, October 08:52 GMT. He was the great influence on many people including me. It was one of my saddest moment that happened in…

  • Welcome Autumn

    Hellu, The summer had just passed and I think it was a very very good one :) I had a great time with my friends and moved in with my favourite people-so far so good. My life at the house was really fine. I was happy with how and whom I lived with-Guillaume(that French boy),…