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  • Round And Round

    Hi there, My time at AIS had come to an end. It had been a good time and such great experience working there though it was only 4 months. I would love to continue my job however, I had to take another path with my next education. It was a valuable learning and I think…

  • Rain On My Parade

    Howdy everyone, It seemed like the summer was about to be gone and it rained pretty often. That was a sign. Rainy season was here! Though the weather was still hot some days and was humid most of the time. Well, I think it is better to be 30C with a chance of rain than…

  • Open Doors

    Hi hi, The summer was definitely here. How cool is that! It was actually damn hot and the heat didn’t seem to go anywhere. Eventually, I decided to stop looking for a job in Sweden. I was seeking for 10 months and had several Skype interviews but I was still in Thailand. No need to…

  • Begin Again

    Hello there, It was a very warm summer in Thailand. There were so many hot days here. I really missed the cold time in Sweden. The first month of my new job wasn’t bad. It was pretty great actually. It kickstarted with the website design project. To be clear, I was assigned to design an…

  • Anything Could Happen

    Hi there, First, I thought it was the time to move on. So, I decided to leave Saatchi&Saatchi, and this would be the last month I worked there (2 more days to go). All good things come to an end. Then, UHR (University Admissions in Sweden) contacted me saying that, due to the technical problem,…

  • The Busyness

    Hello there, February is such a short month. Four weeks are so freaking fast. It felt like I just wrote my previous blog a few weeks ago. Or maybe I had been busy most of the time. The last week was pretty insane. My February didn’t end well. I just had long long nights for…

  • Newbie

    Hi there, Happy New Year to you all. It was a very intense start of the year. I had been working on my side projects with a startup in Sweden for a couple of weeks since December. It had been up at the limit all the time. I had some rough moments and it wasn’t…

  • The Merriness

    Merry Christmas everyone, 2015 was approaching and I was still in Thailand figuring out stuff. My Christmas was nothing special because most of Thais are Buddhist and we don’t celebrate Christmas. However, Thais like celebration and we go for it. There were light decoration and Christmas trees around the town. They were there for Christmas…

  • An Unexpected Company

    Hello there, Guess what. I just hung out with a Swedish-Dutch couple yesterday. It was quite random though. We didn’t know each other before and all I knew was that David was a Hyper Island alumnus. We met in the Facebook group when he was asking if there were some Hyper Island students in Bangkok.…

  • The Fuzziness

    Hi there everyone, Suddenly, it’s almost one month already since my last blog. Time flies! There was not much to update. My life was still running in a loop as usual. I still kept looking for a job in Sweden or a way to escape Thailand. My job at Saatchi&Saatchi was doing fine. My contract…