Meh Year
Hi there, And the most “meh” year goes to…2019. I had been meh-ing for almost the whole year. Looking back, there were just a few happy moments that I can think of. The best one was the Japan trip that I did with my Swedish friends. The rest was just a bit of this and…
Break A Habit
Hi there, It had been a long while that I kept doing the same routine over and over. At some point, when it started to get boring, I got to start doing something new. I had been doing weight-training in the gym for years and in the last few months, I started training for long-distance…
Time Off
Hi there, I just came back from the vacation. I booked a trip to Khao Lak in the south of Thailand several months ago. Luckily it was a very good time to take a break as I was struggling a lot with the stress. The trip was nice and calm. I simply ditched all my…
Down Time
Hello there, I had stopped running for almost 2 weeks already. It happened that my right leg got some kind of injured. I guessed it was shin splints. It started a couple of weeks ago when I started to feel some kind of tension around my right calf as if I would get cramp but…
Hi there, Continuing from my last blog, it might sound like I had burnout which might actually be true. Well it just didn’t happen over a night, but it gradually came up and all of a sudden, I realized I had it. I thought it came from the stress that I got from work. I…
Hi there, Lately, it had been quite dull. I didn’t get much to do during the weekend as I worked full-time during weekdays. Usually I tried to find something to do whether going out, watching movies, or reading books, but I just didn’t feel like it. Some people say that it’s nice to spend some…
Hi there, Glad midsommar! Although it had been more than a year since I left Sweden, I still missed it very much. The country taught me many things and I learned a lot about myself. When I was young, I collected a lot of things as my hobbies. I played games, card games, boardgames and…
Unhappy Path
Hi there, Lately I had been feeling very unhappy about things and people around me including myself. I wasn’t sure how and when it happened but I guessed it started from the project at work. There was a big and tough project that I was assigned to. I actually didn’t have much to do with…
Japan Trip 2019
Hi there, This blog would be about my Japan trip with my 2 Swedish friends-Ludwig and Steven. I got to know them since I was in Sweden a couple of years ago. We planned this trip together from last year. It was almost a year ago actually as initially I planned to do it in…
Hi there, There was one client I had been working with since September last year. It started with a small research project then it became much bigger. Then my colleague and I were put into their team and they were using Agile methodology. For more details, read this: https://www.planview.com/resources/articles/agile-and-lean/ It was that my client wasn’t…