Big Prep
Hello there,
This month was really about preparing for some big things. My health was back on track and I had been training for the half-marathon in May (Göteborgsvarvet). I got to say that it was quite scary as I had never run that far before. I could only hope to finish it without injury.
Another big thing was that I was about to buy an apartment next year. No, I didn’t have the money to pay the full price. I only got enough for the down payment. Plus, that down payment would be paid next year. So I had about one year to save and collect more money. At the moment, I was in the process of reservation and already signed the contract. Then I would have to pay the deposit to confirm my reservation.
It was also scary because it was such a big investment and took most of my savings. Buying this apartment meant that I would be in debt since I had to take a loan from a bank. I would have to be more cautious when spending money on everything. At least this summer would be quite quiet for me and my plan for a Japan trip next winter might be postponed.
Here I had been recording my runs this month. There were days that I ran on a treadmill in a gym. They were not recorded though.

See you later,