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  • Cold Transition

    Happy new year, It started with Guillaume leaving Sweden with his mom (Corine) on last Wednesday morning (His brother-Jean-Charles left on Tuesday morning) because he finished his master’s study already. It was his time to go back home in France. No need to ask how sad I was. This winter treated me really harshly. I…

  • Bitter Snow

    Hello, This is the drawing I drew last week. It is from the heavily snowy day in November (see the original photo in my previous blog). Last time I drew a picture like this was about 10 years ago. I still remembered some basics. Maybe I should draw more. Let’s see. So far my December…

  • Dark Hours

    Hi there, My fourth Swedish winter was here and it was pretty tough. The days without sunlight made a big impact on me. I couldn’t stand the depression but still had to live. The dark days seemed to push me to the negative side and it was so unpleasant. I can only beware of my…

  • The Fall

    Hello there, There was a huge event in Thailand this month. It was the death of my king-King Bhumibol Adulyadej. His majesty passed away at the age of 88 on Thursday 13, October 08:52 GMT. He was the great influence on many people including me. It was one of my saddest moment that happened in…

  • Welcome Autumn

    Hellu, The summer had just passed and I think it was a very very good one :) I had a great time with my friends and moved in with my favourite people-so far so good. My life at the house was really fine. I was happy with how and whom I lived with-Guillaume(that French boy),…

  • Summer Vacay Part 2

    Read the part 1 here. There was not much planned on the next day. We just took it easy and chilled around the town. Then it was time to say goodbye to Michael and Andreas :/ It was enjoyable and fun. Huge thanks to Kühni family. My next destination was Milan. So I took the…

  • Summer Vacay Part 1

    Helloooo, This blog is pretty long and there are many photos. So I decide to divide it into 2 parts. Let’s begin the first part. It was almost 2 weeks already since I came back from my Euro trip. I was away for 18 days in total. It was an intense journey and was my…

  • Summer Is On

    Hi there, It was summer time. Many of my friends were leaving. There were just a few people left in Stockholm besides my classmates. Not sure how it would be in my second year. Things are ever changing. Last week I just moved into a new home-the Karlsson family’s because Dongjiao, Kasper and Numa had…

  • Glad Midsommar

    Glad midsommar! I turned 28 last month and this month my first year at KTH was over. A lot of my friends were leaving the town as they had finished their exchanged year in Sweden :/ It was sad but it is life. Wish you the great success in your life. Things change all the…

  • Solid, behind the scene

    The setting It all started from the brief of the final project of the Information Visualisation course (IVIS16). We were 9 people in total. I was the second last person who joined the team. In the team, there were programmers, designers, and business students. The brief was pretty broad and generous. Basically, we could do…