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  • My December

    Hello there, First semester at Hyper Island has just passed. Twenty weeks have just gone. How fast time goes by… I have only 47 weeks at school before go out to intern and say goodbye to my dear friends… :'( This is my first Christmas and New Year celebration outside Thailand. I have no idea…

  • Alone Again

    Hello there, Current situation : Alone in the beginning of winter, in one of the coldest country in the world I just realised how lonely I am. I’ve been here for 4 months and a half. I haven’t had homesick and I don’t want to go home. I am totally fine to be here, but…

  • Lonely Dot Cover

  • Grabbing Cover

  • Extraordinary Weeks

    Hi there, Last four weeks were very tough to me and I had to blog my progress during that module. So, I didn’t have time to update this blog. So, let’s catch up with my blogs of last module: Design weeks Journal#1 What am I doing? Journal#2 How it’s going? Journal#3 How did that go?  Tech…

  • The First Snow

    Hi there everyone, I’ve been being so busy and lazy in these few weeks. Last huge module took a lot from me. Let’s get update with my last blog of the previous module-“Whatever will be, will be…fine”. I think my friends and I has just made a great success from that project even we didn’t…

  • Snow Cover

    Can you see a snow?

  • Extraordinary Event

    Hi there, In these few weeks, I have been being in a big module at school and I have to do blogging about works in this module. That means I’m so busy and that’s why I haven’t updated this blog for a while. Anyway, let’s go checking out: Concept description PTT project First week of…

  • Pixel Face

  • Yellow Zone

    Hi there everyone, Another tough week has just passed. My role as a group leader has just done. I’m so glad my group didn’t suck…phew…maybe I just overwhelmed. Everything was not that bad (If you were my teammate, I don’t mean to blame you, please note.). Though everything seemed to be alright, I still feel…