Summer 2022
Hi there, I was busy during my summer vacation. Four weeks of vacation went by super fast. It was a mix of Swedish classes and driving classes. I also visited some islands in the archipelago and some nearby cities like Varberg and Falkenberg. The weather was nice and warm. There were just a few days…
Tenth Anniversary
Hi there, This month marked the 10-year anniversary of this blog. I had been blogging my life through the past ten years every month. There was 1 month that I forgot but I made it up for the month after. It was also the 10 years from my first time coming to Sweden and living…
First Company Trip
Hi there, My first midsummer in Gothenburg was really warm. The temperature was about 30 degrees which was actually warmer than some days in Bangkok. I didn’t know what to expect in the coming weeks of summer. This year I went to celebrate midsommar with some Thai friends in Kungälv, a bit to the north…
Just Turned 34
Hi there, I just turned 34 a few days ago. My life in the past year was quite unexpected. I got my current job offer on my birthday last year. Since then, things turned out positively despite the time under the pandemic. I got to move to start a new life in a new city.…
Hi there, Gothenburg was getting back to life after the long and cold winter under the pandemic. Covid was still around though. The sun was already up in the sky and the day just lasted longer and longer. There were several days that felt like summer as it got pretty warm during the day that…
New Spring
Hi there, Winter seemed to be over and spring had come. My first winter here went alright. No mental breakdown, or I was just still feeling fresh about the new life. Days were getting brighter and longer. As the pandemic seemed to resolve, people started to appear outside more and more. The city seemed to…
Health Follow-Up
Hi there, Gothenburg winter wasn’t that cold, but wet and rainy. There was little to no snow here this year. Though the winter wasn’t over yet. There was still about a month to go through. From the last blog, I was very much focusing on my health issue-haemorrhoids, to be specific. It seemed to be…
New Year New Diet
Hi there, The year started off with my health condition. I somehow managed to get hemorrhoids just before Christmas last year. I wasn’t sure when it actually started but I got some serious symptoms (rectal bleeding). So I went to see a doctor and got diagnosed that it was internal hemorrhoids. Since then, my diet…
End of 2021
Hi there, This year was quite an extraordinary year. I had another life-changing event. Although my current situation was quite positive, I struggled a lot early this year. It was the Covid-lockdown that made me stuck with the job and all the boredom. I even sought mental and spiritual support. The turning point was on…
Good Start
Hi there, My life at AFRY was alright. After working with several companies-big and small, AFRY was my first one that provided me with a mobile phone of my choice including data plan. I could get some phone accessories. Noted these were company items. If I left, I would have to return them. Staying in…