Quick Reminder
Hi there, A month had passed so fast. Many things happened and I didn’t realise it until it was time to update my blog again. I kept myself busy with work and other things. I tried settling down and lived a life by myself. All these years I had my parents supporting me quite a…
Third Time is a Charm
Hi there, As you might have noticed that I already moved to Gothenburg, here is the story. It took me many years to land on this job. I started looking for a full time job abroad from the first time I came to Sweden and that was in 2012 (It was also the year that…
Transition Under Pandemic
Hi there, Last month was stressful due to the transition and Covid-19 situation in Bangkok. I had trouble sleeping throughout the whole month. 9 July – I went to send a letter at a post office. 2-16 July – The post office closed due to several infected employees. 14 July – EU removed Thailand from…
Hi there, There was an explosion of a chemical factory in Bangkok earlier this month. It was my first time evacuating from my home in Bangkok. Actually, my home was quite far from the factory but the smoke came into my direction because of the wind. Since it was a chemical factory, the smoke was…
Throwback To WCG
Hi there, Lately Facebook just showed me an old post of my uploaded images about 10 years ago that I almost forgot. It was photos from my first job at WeCreateGame. Those photos were taken by iPhone4 therefore the resolution and quality are quite low. Well, it was pretty good for smartphones back then. At…
Twenty One Pilots Livestream
Hi there, I just attended Twenty One Pilots livestream yesterday! Although it was virtual, it was kind of my first Twenty One Pilots concert that I attended after becoming a fan for like 4 years already. It was on Saturday at 7 a.m. in Thailand. I usually didn’t get up that early even on the…
Break Out
Hi there, This month featured another COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand. The situation got worse and was probably the worst so far. The number of new cases rose everyday. It was already one year since the first outbreak. Nothing seemed better except that we got vaccines in the country although it was still problematic. Hospitals were…
Hi there, The month went by pretty fast. It wasn’t an easy month for me. Beside my everyday job, I got to face some disappointment and frustration about my personal stuff. It went down pretty quick. I started to understand why many people, at some point, look for something to put their faith in. As…
Beside Job
Hello there, Working from home didn’t make me feel any better. It was pretty boring I got to admit. However, I got some more free time as I didn’t have to commute. I also didn’t meet many people. I hadn’t met my colleagues since last Christmas. All meetings were done online. I hoped the COVID-19…
New 2020
Hi there, Happy New Year everyone. Wish you all good health, wealth, and happiness :) 2021 started off not very well. Covid was still here, plus I was pretty much locked down in my house. Things didn’t actually seem better than last month :/ I was lucky that I still had my full-time job working…