Break Out
Hi there,
This month featured another COVID-19 outbreak in Thailand. The situation got worse and was probably the worst so far. The number of new cases rose everyday. It was already one year since the first outbreak. Nothing seemed better except that we got vaccines in the country although it was still problematic. Hospitals were running out of resources. I didn’t really know how we would get through this. Hope it all would be resolved soon.
Despite the situation, I actually went on a solo-trip. I booked it last month then the outbreak just occurred a week before. I already paid for the tickets so I just went on. Honestly, it didn’t feel safe at all while I commuted although I wore a mask all the time when outside and used sanitizer spray for my hands when touching anything.
There wasn’t much for the trip as I didn’t plan for any activities. I just went there to relax and chill by the sea. There were a few guests when I arrived and eventually there was only me in the hotel on the last days. The province actually announced a restriction for those who came from Bangkok (and other risky areas). Therefore I must stay in the hotel throughout the whole trip which was alright. It was a very quiet time in spite of the high season. There were very few people at the beach and there was no one on some days. I wondered how local people were doing during this difficult time. I saw many shops and restaurants close along the way. This wasn’t really a good sign at all :/

For myself, I was still fortunate enough to be able to work from home and got regular income. I didn’t get affected much comparing with others who didn’t have such luxury. I can only hope that things would get better soon.
Stay safe,