Cold Transition
Happy new year, It started with Guillaume leaving Sweden with his mom (Corine) on last Wednesday morning (His brother-Jean-Charles left on Tuesday morning) because he finished his master’s study already. It was his time to go back home in France. No need to ask how sad I was. This winter treated me really harshly. I…
Bitter Snow
Hello, This is the drawing I drew last week. It is from the heavily snowy day in November (see the original photo in my previous blog). Last time I drew a picture like this was about 10 years ago. I still remembered some basics. Maybe I should draw more. Let’s see. So far my December…
Dark Hours
Hi there, My fourth Swedish winter was here and it was pretty tough. The days without sunlight made a big impact on me. I couldn’t stand the depression but still had to live. The dark days seemed to push me to the negative side and it was so unpleasant. I can only beware of my…
The Fall
Hello there, There was a huge event in Thailand this month. It was the death of my king-King Bhumibol Adulyadej. His majesty passed away at the age of 88 on Thursday 13, October 08:52 GMT. He was the great influence on many people including me. It was one of my saddest moment that happened in…
Welcome Autumn
Hellu, The summer had just passed and I think it was a very very good one :) I had a great time with my friends and moved in with my favourite people-so far so good. My life at the house was really fine. I was happy with how and whom I lived with-Guillaume(that French boy),…
Summer Vacay Part 2
Read the part 1 here. There was not much planned on the next day. We just took it easy and chilled around the town. Then it was time to say goodbye to Michael and Andreas :/ It was enjoyable and fun. Huge thanks to Kühni family. My next destination was Milan. So I took the…
Summer Vacay Part 1
Helloooo, This blog is pretty long and there are many photos. So I decide to divide it into 2 parts. Let’s begin the first part. It was almost 2 weeks already since I came back from my Euro trip. I was away for 18 days in total. It was an intense journey and was my…
Summer Is On
Hi there, It was summer time. Many of my friends were leaving. There were just a few people left in Stockholm besides my classmates. Not sure how it would be in my second year. Things are ever changing. Last week I just moved into a new home-the Karlsson family’s because Dongjiao, Kasper and Numa had…
Glad Midsommar
Glad midsommar! I turned 28 last month and this month my first year at KTH was over. A lot of my friends were leaving the town as they had finished their exchanged year in Sweden :/ It was sad but it is life. Wish you the great success in your life. Things change all the…
April’s Full
Hi there, My April was so full of everything. Keep it short. Let’s see some photos! Firstly, one of my so to speak math teachers-Etienne Piccolo left Sweden to his homeland-Switzerland. He helped me a lot when I was struggling with the math assignments in my first semester. We had our last supper (Hope it…