Glad Midsommar
Glad midsommar! I turned 28 last month and this month my first year at KTH was over. A lot of my friends were leaving the town as they had finished their exchanged year in Sweden :/ It was sad but it is life. Wish you the great success in your life. Things change all the…
April’s Full
Hi there, My April was so full of everything. Keep it short. Let’s see some photos! Firstly, one of my so to speak math teachers-Etienne Piccolo left Sweden to his homeland-Switzerland. He helped me a lot when I was struggling with the math assignments in my first semester. We had our last supper (Hope it…
God Påsk
God påsk! Happy Easter everyone. Even though I have nothing to do with Easter, it is still nice to go with the flow. Many people were celebrating Easter this weekend, and it seemed like a family time for many of them as well. Meanwhile Sweden was getting sunnier and warmer everyday. Spring is in the…
Fast And Februarious
Hi there, This February was my craziest month at KTH so far. It was because of the 3 courses I was taking. I sort of had a clue that it would turn out this way but it was the only chance for me to learn and take these courses. I didn’t want to do it…
New Year 2016
Gott nytt år! January was about to pass so soon. It was a cold and dark month. Yes, there was a lot of snow which was so nice and beautiful but Swedish winter is sometimes wicked. The lowest temperature I had experienced this winter was -17. It was in the morning of the day I…
Warm Winter
Hejhej, Finally snow had arrived! It was super late and didn’t make it for the white Christmas. Hopefully it would stay until spring. The weather in Stockholm seems unpredictable. I remembered a few months ago it said that this winter would be the coldest winter in blablabla years. Apparently, it sucked. It just snowed a…
Fast Pace
Hejsan, Winter was coming so soon or it might be already here. Today it was below zero degree but there was no snow. A few days ago, it said in the weather forecast that it would snow this weekend but it changed :/ Though it was sunny and I can catch some sun light from…
The First Period
Hi there, Being a Master’s student was not that easy. I had been being busy since the school started. There were a lot to do in these several weeks. Though the first period was about to end. The system here was kind of new to me. There are 2 periods in 1 semester, so there…
Same Place, Different Story
Hello everyone, The first month in Sweden was over. It was a super quick and intense month. Since the first day until the last day, I hadn’t had a single free day. There were so many activities from THS (Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår), a student union of KTH that I signed up for. I met so…
Second Chance
Hejsan, Here is my second chance in Sweden. I would try my best to accomplish my goal this time after I failed last year-I couldn’t find a job. My family had spent so much money for me in these last few years. It needs to pay off! Day 1: Arrived Stockholm around 7.00 a.m. I…