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  • Happy New Year 2013

    Happy new year everybody, Wish you all have a great year! To begin with, I have some kind of short diary from my winter break. 23-25 Dec 2012 Celebrated Christmas with Renklint family at Enköping. It was such a big time, great moment and valuable memory. Thank Johan for this big great event :D I…

  • Conversation of Insanity

    +  Why don’t you apologise them? –  It’s not my fault. Why do I have to feel sorry? +  You messed it up. That’s the point. You just told someone to stay calm a few weeks ago. Don’t you remember? –  But I didn’t begin. They made me critical. +  It doesn’t matter whether you…

  • My December

    Hello there, First semester at Hyper Island has just passed. Twenty weeks have just gone. How fast time goes by… I have only 47 weeks at school before go out to intern and say goodbye to my dear friends… :'( This is my first Christmas and New Year celebration outside Thailand. I have no idea…

  • Alone Again

    Hello there, Current situation : Alone in the beginning of winter, in one of the coldest country in the world I just realised how lonely I am. I’ve been here for 4 months and a half. I haven’t had homesick and I don’t want to go home. I am totally fine to be here, but…

  • Extraordinary Weeks

    Hi there, Last four weeks were very tough to me and I had to blog my progress during that module. So, I didn’t have time to update this blog. So, let’s catch up with my blogs of last module: Design weeks Journal#1 What am I doing? Journal#2 How it’s going? Journal#3 How did that go?  Tech…

  • The First Snow

    Hi there everyone, I’ve been being so busy and lazy in these few weeks. Last huge module took a lot from me. Let’s get update with my last blog of the previous module-“Whatever will be, will be…fine”. I think my friends and I has just made a great success from that project even we didn’t…

  • Yellow Zone

    Hi there everyone, Another tough week has just passed. My role as a group leader has just done. I’m so glad my group didn’t suck…phew…maybe I just overwhelmed. Everything was not that bad (If you were my teammate, I don’t mean to blame you, please note.). Though everything seemed to be alright, I still feel…

  • What Lies Beneath

    “There is a quote ‘Life is a journey, not a destination’ (Ralph Waldo Emerson). So what do you think when did your journey begin? I may say my journey began when I finished my high school, because at that time I had a chance to make a big decision in my life which was my…

  • The First Brief

    Hi there, 6 weeks past but I still have culture-shock! I’m sorry if I do something strange. I couldn’t help but I’m learning. Because the culture here and in my hometown are different, I sometimes stun. Let me introduce about Thai cultures a bit. For example, normally, when Thais are greeting, they don’t touch each…

  • After Hyper Island Way Week

    Check in! Hi there everyone, I had an extremely hard time last week!, i.e. Hyper Island Way Week. Wait. It’s not that bad. It’s positive. This photo is the last day of Hyper Island Way Week. We’re holding our first presentation that we made on the first day. Thanks Roger for this amazing photo :D After I woke…