Grand Piano Lego
Hi there,
This was the first time (from when I started blogging) that I didn’t post a blog for a month. My last blog was in July and I was extremely busy in August. My job demanded a lot of my personal time and it was quite a hectic month. I then somehow forgot to post a blog. Anyway, it was already September.
Besides my job, my weekend in August was with this website updates and a new toy. I bought a Grand Piano Lego. I didn’t get any new Lego for years and this was a new and pricey one. It was because it is a grand piano. (If you didn’t know, I had been playing and practicing piano in the last few years.) I went to Lego stores several times when I was in Sweden and other countries in Europe, but didn’t buy any. This one was a combination of Lego and piano. I just couldn’t resist it anymore. It was released in the beginning of August and was sold out (from official and local stores in Thailand) within the first week. Therefore, I ordered it through an online store and got it a few weeks later. It was awesome :D
There were 3662 pieces so it took some time to build. The piano can connect to the Lego app in a phone and played music while the piano keyboard can play itself. Unfortunately, I got only one phone so I can’t film it while it played. I can also pick a song in the app and played it on the keyboard. (I pressed any key and the sound would come out from the phone.) The only problem was that the piano is so big and I can’t put it in my shelves -_-“
See you later,