Hot Yoga Starts
Hi there,
Gothenburg was getting dark real quick within a month. Rain and cold were already here. The month was going pretty fast. Suddenly 5pm was already dark.
This month I also started a new activity-hot yoga. It had been a while since my last yoga session. So it was time to go stretching and practicing my focusing skill. Hot yoga was new to me as I had never done it before. My first class was super sweaty. The room temperature was about 40C so I sweat after the first 5 minutes in the room. It was quite an experience!

My job was going alright. There was nothing special happening last month except that I got to be a mentor of a new intern. Actually, the mentorship started in September. It was quite a strange feeling that I would have to be in charge of another person at work. Well, in my previous jobs, I worked with some younger and/or less experienced than me. There were times that I had to teach and take care of other people but it wasn’t that official comparing to the role I had at the moment.
One thing that I saw here in Gothenburg was that people changed their career path fairly easily. I met a lot of people at my office who did their internship as part of their education. There were young people who were about to finish their education and some other who previously worked in another area for some years. So it seemed like the society and industry were quite open for newcomers. Of course, some careers required some years of training but that was not a big problem here. People can go to specialised schools to study and get proper training. When they finish, they are pretty much ready to work in the industry.
Comparing to Thailand, a lot of people were quite fixed in their career path. It was difficult to change because there was no such training institutes (or just a few) and many companies were hesitant to hire older people (I’m talking about 30+ years old) who don’t have or have a little experience in the field they apply for a job. Internship was for students. I once applied for an internship at the age of 26. People were confused and they couldn’t take me in as an intern. I ended up being a contractor instead.
I got some photos of cold and wet Gothenburg.

See you later,