Specialisation Week 4 : Preparation
Hello there,
Suddenly one month was over. How fast! My projects were done before the deadline :) I’m not sure if I didn’t stop using Facebook for a week, my project would be done in time. Things had happened and passed so fast. And yes, some problems happened, and yes, I planned to spare some time to fix them. Though I had to work on weekend almost every week. That’s not in my plan :/
Now, let’s see my last project-infographic design.
I want to present the results/effects of sins, so I gathered the global statistics from the serious problems relating to the sins. For the mood & tone of the design, I want to make it clean, clear and a bit conservative but not too religious. I apply the layout of the Bible and the illustrations that I made. Open and close with a passage from Bible. Not sure if these all work together but the result shows above.
For this module, I learnt to deal with myself. When I feel down because of whatever, one factor comes from Facebook. I experimented to stop using Facebook for one week to see what would happen. I found out that I had much more time to do something else. I had more time to work. I stopped feeling distracted. I can concentrate on my project. It was nice to meet friends on Facebook but we could only chat, nothing more than that. I can only see new feeds running and that creates a lot of emotions which I consider unhealthy to myself. Some are good but some are bad. Is that “envy”?…I don’t know. It might be better to get away from the social network some time to be present and realistic. It’s of course lonely, but it’s lonelier when seeing people doing activities which I can’t participate in any ways. However, I didn’t use Facebook but I didn’t stop seeing friends. I went to work at school. At least, there were some people whom I can interact with otherwise I might get extremely depressed. I tried to work effectively as a professional and use my time wisely. It was really hard but I did try and learned something.
I still have a couple of days left for this module for preparing the presentation and for the last change in my projects. So, let’s keep in touch.
See you soon,