Third Time is a Charm
Hi there,
As you might have noticed that I already moved to Gothenburg, here is the story. It took me many years to land on this job. I started looking for a full time job abroad from the first time I came to Sweden and that was in 2012 (It was also the year that I started blogging here). I didn’t succeed at that time so I went back to Thailand and continued looking for a job in Sweden. Then I came to Sweden again in 2015 to do master’s degree at KTH. My second attempt didn’t succeed as well even if I got a part-time job and did some internship. I went back to Thailand in 2018 and worked there for a couple of years.
Sometime in 2018 when I was looking for a job in Sweden, I got in contact with a recruiter in one company that I submitted my job application. She tried to pitch me to her company but it eventually didn’t work out. Earlier this year, 2021, I saw that her new company was hiring designers. I then contacted her and she told me to submit my CV and portfolio. So I did.
I got to admit that I didn’t expect much. Well, if you submitted job applications to hundreds of companies and got rejected hundreds times, at some point you would eventually learn to lower your expectation to almost none. Plus, they were companies in other countries and we were under the Covid pandemic. Previously, I got into the recruitment process of other companies, passed to the final step, and got turned down because the companies can’t provide the work permit. Therefore, to get a job offer in another country during the pandemic was just a leap of faith.
A few months later, out of the blue, she came back to me and said that the design lead wanted to interview me. That was the beginning of this new journey. I went through the recruitment process (interviews, test project) and eventually got the job offer. The day I got the job offer was actually my birthday, and it was the best birthday present ever!
It was not easy but it was not impossible.

Talk to you later,